
Adam G.

Tour Guides and Engineering Ambassador at Penn State Behrend

Class of 2027

Hometown: Erie, PA

Major: Software Engineering

Minor: Computer Science

I chose Penn State Behrend...

I chose Penn State Behrend because I was looking for an exceptional engineering school within driving distance.

Advice I would give to incoming students is...

Get involved in activities on campus! You will be far happier and more productive if you first make connections with other students. It's important to take a break from all the studying too.

My favorite location on campus is...

I love the outdoor aspect of Behrend. Being able to study outdoors in a peaceful setting is something not every school can offer. There are also some great paths through the gorge and out towards the Behrend Fields that I enjoy exploring with friends.

I'm passionate about...

coding Bicycling Running and exercise Motorcycles Reading Fantasy being in nature

I'm involved with...

CRU Badminton Club
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