
Tyler S.

Tour Guides and Science Ambassador at Penn State Behrend

Class of 2025

Hometown: Ambridge, PA

Major: Environmental Science

Secondary Major: Biology

My most memorable Behrend experience...

Attending Lion Ambassador Parent, Family, and Alumni Weekend bingo and winning a tv.

Advice I would give to incoming students is...

Don't be afraid to get involved with clubs when you show up.

My favorite location on campus is...

The Wintergreen Gorge because of how much it has to offer and how peaceful it is.

I chose Penn State Behrend...

Because of the amount of undergraduate research opportunities.

I'm passionate about...

Environmental Science Research Outdoors Science Outreach

I'm involved with...

Lion Ambassadors Science Ambassadors Biology Club Tri beta Biology Honors Society Behrend Honors Student Association Behrend Benefitting THON Lion Entertainment Board Greener Behrend Behrend Welcome Week
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