
Alexander J.

Tour Guides and Engineering Ambassador at Penn State Behrend

Class of 2024

Hometown: Cochranton, PA

Major: Mechanical Engineering

Advice I would give to incoming students is...

Find friends, but don't rush into it. I can honestly say I wouldn't be in the position today if it weren't for the people surrounding me. I have such a supportive group of friends that help me through my lows and celebrate my highs. We study together, do homework together, eat meals, watch sports, and just hang out. We all just have similar work ethics and goals so the friendship just came naturally. I think freshman sometimes think they need to make friends within the first week and stay with those friends forever. For some people that works. For others, like myself, waiting until you find that right group is better. There's a group for everyone here; you just have to be patient and find it.

My favorite location on campus is...

the library! I go to the library anytime I need to focus and get work done. It's always quiet and there are hardly any interruptions.

I chose Penn State Behrend...

I chose Behrend because of the outstanding academics within a "small school" atmosphere. I wanted to go to a school where I could have a connection with my professors so that I felt comfortable asking questions and could ask for their advice as I progressed through school towards a job. However, I didn't want to go to just any "small school" because I wanted to go to a school with a reputation so that I could get a good job after graduation. Therefore, with this combination, I felt that Behrend was the best fit for me. I get the connection I want with professors through the "small school" atmosphere", but I get the academic resources of a "large school" with incredible labs, clubs, and technology. I can now sat that after a couple internships, I quickly found out that Behrend has a strong reputation because of its academics, reassuring me that I made the right choice and that Behrend will help me obtain a great job after graduation.

My most memorable Behrend experience...

My most memorable experience has been studying for finals in Burke into the waning hours of the night. There was a group of us studying together for finals week and one night we decided to just keep going until we covered all of the material. The studying wasn't necessarily fun, but spending that time with friends who were working towards a common made it all worth it. The jokes and laughs got us through the material, and that's a memory I'll carry through graduation.

I'm passionate about...

Sports Science Games

I'm involved with...

Men's Volleyball Engineering Ambassadors STEM Leaders Program
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