
Meghan H.

Tour Guide at Penn State Behrend

Class of 2024

Hometown: Erie, PA

Major: Chemistry

Concentration: Professional Chemist

My Schedule:

Thursdays at 10am in the fall semester
Spring semester TBD

Schedule A Visit

I chose Penn State Behrend...

Orginally becasue of my intended major (PLET), but when I switched (CHEM), the reason I stayed is because of the community and faculty.

My favorite location on campus is...

The Wintergreen gorge or the top of the Burke Parking Garage.

Advice I would give to incoming students is...

College is different from high school. Take it step by step, plan ahead, the 'due date' isn't the 'do date.' Lastly, it's good to focus on academics, but don't be afraid to get connected early.

My most memorable Behrend experience...

As of now, its being able to research in what I am interested in.

I'm passionate about...

Reading! Sciences my dogs most food Mario Kart Art Christianity Puns and Dad Jokes

I'm involved with...

CRU Chem Club Lion Scouts lion ambassador Student Mailroom Clerk
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